Information Technology Committee


The Information Technology Committee will concern itself with matters pertaining to information technology, internet and software services, computer services, and network infrastructure.

Corresponding Administrators 

Bill Poirier, Chief Information Officer. Alicia Medros, Assistant VP Teaching & Learning Technologies may serve as Bill Poirier’s designee for many of these discussions.

Members 2024-2025

Co-Chair, Kai Germaschewski, CEPS
Co-Chair, Julee Holcombe, COLA
Marek Petrik, CEPS
Szu-Feng Chen, COLA
Edward Reynolds, Nora Draper fall proxy, COLA
Sherman Bigornia, COLSA
Michael Brian, CHHS
Sue Zago, Law
El-Hachemi Aliouche, Paul

Agenda Committee Liaisons

Jeffrey Halpern and Mary Stampone

2024-2025 Charges

Standing Charge

Work with the heads of Teaching and Learning Technologies (TLT) and Enterprise Technology and Services (ET&S) to ensure that faculty are represented on all IT-related committees that make decisions that affect faculty or the academic mission. Representatives should report to ITC regularly, and to the Agenda Committee and/or Senate as needed, to gain feedback from faculty constituents in the effort to represent all faculty on these committees. 

Rationale: As per Senate motions Motion XXIII-M18 and XXIII-M20. Prior knowledge of changes in IT/AT and early faculty involvement can lead to problems being anticipated and resolved prior to roll-out. Further, Senate Motion XXVIII-M5 requests consideration of Faculty Time when changing IT platforms, and the ITC committee would be best to represent Faculty in estimating those time changes.

Other Charges for 2024-2025 (Charges below are in no order of priority)
  • Develop a joint resolution with ET&S to improve communication with Faculty Senate. A joint resolution should be a hard compromise between Senate (ITC) with the Chief Information Officer and ET&S Team. A draft of the Joint Resolution should be presented to the Agenda Committee for feedback, and eventually presented to the Senate. Included in the resolution should be a process and coordination between ET&S and faculty to pilot new software programs and provide feedback on usability and impacts on teaching and research prior to adoption and or implementation.
  • Give feedback to the Director of the ERP planning project (Sasja Huijts) on the design and execution of the system. Proactive collaboration is recommended to avoid or minimize challenges in designing and implementing the new ERP system. Prepare a short presentation for the senate to specifically get feedback from the FAC for administrative system designs, RPSC for research-oriented system designs, and the Senate for additional faculty perspectives.
  • Ensure faculty representation on the USNH cybersecurity committee and continue to work with UNSH Cybersecurity as relevant cybersecurity standards and policies are developed and implemented. Specific attention should focus on impacts on research and teaching activities.
  • Working with Cybersecurity, clarify the exception process for faculty. A specific focus is to make sure that faculty have or can obtain, without undue burden, the privileges necessary to efficiently perform their teaching and research duties Propose a review board framework that could advocate for Faculty and Staff if exceptions are denied. This could be an independent review board under shared governance (e.g., ET&S, Faculty, and Staff representation) or sit with Faculty (e.g., ITC).

Note: The Agenda Committee may modify the charges to standing committees and standing committees can request the Agenda Committee to modify the charges at any point during the academic year.

Information Technology Committee 2023-2024


The Information Technology Committee will concern itself with matters pertaining to information technology.

Corresponding Administrators: 

1) Bill Poirier, Chief Information Officer and 2) Alicia Medros, Asst VP IT Teaching Technology

  • MyElements/FAR Governance Board: Chaired by ?
  • Digital Communication Steering Committee (DCSC):  Chaired by ?, this committee meets quarterly. 
  • Academic Standards and Advising Committee Plus (ASAC +) (Chaired by ? this committee meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month, 8:45 to 10:30 am. The ITC has a non-voting seat for its chair on this committee.  This is a committee of associate deans from all colleges plus the deans of the Library, the Graduate School, and students who meet with Terri Winters to plan and approve academic-related technology projects. 
  • UNH Information Security Committee (may involve an update to the committee instead of membership).

Members 2023-2024

Chair, Julee Holcombe, COLA
Adam Boucher, CEPS
Laura Dietz, CEPS
Assaf Benchetirt, COLA
Moein Khanlari, Paul College
Kai Germaschewski, CEPS

Standing Charge

Charges for Academic Year 2023-2024

1.  Work with the heads of Teaching and Learning Technologies (TLT) and Enterprise Technology and Services (ET&S) to ensure that faculty are represented on all IT-related committees that make decisions that affect faculty or the academic mission. Representatives should report to ITC regularly, and to the Agenda Committee and/or Senate as needed.
Rationale: As per Senate motions Motion XXIII-M8. Prior knowledge of changes in IT/AT and early faculty involvement can lead to problems being anticipated and resolved prior to roll-out.  

Other Charges

1.  Work with Student Affairs Committee and Academic Affairs Committee to explore solutions for plagiarism based on the use of AI generated text or solutions.
2.  Collaborate with the Director of the ERP planning project (Sasja Huijts) and the Provost’s office to monitor progress on the design and execution of the system that will replace our current Banner system. Proactive collaboration is recommended to avoid or minimize challenges in designing and implementing new ERP system. Collaborate with the FAC for administrative system designs and RPSC for research-oriented system designs.
3.  Follow-up with Provost Jones/Bill Poirier on the formation of a new IT committee at the USNH level. The USNH Academic Technology Steering Committee has been disbanded with IT steering/oversite moving to the Academic Excellence Committee which is made up of USNH institutions’ provosts. Provost Jones reported in 2020 that new mechanisms for UNH faculty engagement in IT/AT governance are being formed. 
4.  Work with UNSH Cybersecurity as relevant cybersecurity standards and policies are developed and implemented, focusing on impacts on research and teaching activities. Research and report on UNSH ET&S remote management and security practices (patching and upgrades) related to institutional devices and personal devices on the UNH network. Ensure faculty representation on the USNH cybersecurity committee. 2023-2024.
5.  Report on the roll-out of the new web platform (Drupal 9 content management system). Did the rollout result in interruptions, loss of functionality, loss of information etc. Work with IT administration to develop a policy and plan for long-term archiving of faculty email and other electronic records that remain accessible to individual faculty. How is continuity maintained when email systems, vendors, or formats change? What is the impact associated with the Freedom of Information Act? Generate a report for the Senate.
6.  Portal Governance Committee (PGC) – Group dissolving but continue to monitor and provide feedback for one year after the rollout of the Pathify Portal and implementation. (2023-2024).
7.  Follow up with Scott Lipinsky – Monitor on the use and effectiveness of the new Accommodation Management system software (Accommodate) 

Information Technology Committee 2022-2023


The Information Technology Committee will concern itself with matters pertaining to information technology.

Corresponding Administrators: 

1) Bill Poirier, Chief Information Officer and 2) Alicia Medros, Asst VP IT Teaching Technology

  • MyElements/FAR Governance Board: Chaired by ?
  • Digital Communication Steering Committee (DCSC):  Chaired by ?, this committee meets quarterly. 
  • Academic Standards and Advising Committee Plus (ASAC +) (Chaired by ? this committee meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month, 8:45 to 10:30 am. The ITC has a non-voting seat for its chair on this committee.  This is a committee of associate deans from all colleges plus the deans of the Library, the Graduate School, and students who meet with Terri Winters to plan and approve academic-related technology projects. 
  • UNH Information Security Committee (may involve an update to the committee instead of membership).


Julee Holcombe, COLA - Chair
Adam Boucher, CEPS
Mike Stocz, CHHS
Inchan Kim, PAUL
Kai Germaschewski, CEPS
Jennifer Chadbourne, COLSA
Laura Dietz, CEPS (Wheeler Ruml AY 2022-23 Proxy)

Charges 2022-2023

Standing charge

  1. Work with the heads of Academic Technology, Information Technology, Public Affairs, Academic and Standards and Advising PLUS (+) Committee, and Digital Communications Steering Committee, to ensure that faculty are represented on all IT-related committees that make decisions that affect faculty or the academic mission. Representatives should report to ITC regularly, and to the Agenda Committee and/or Senate as needed. 

Rationale: As per Senate motions Motion XXIII-M8. Prior knowledge of changes in IT/AT and early faculty involvement can lead to problems being anticipated and resolved prior to roll-out. 

Other charges

  1. Collaborate with Sasja Huijts (Director of the ERP planning project) and the Provost’s office to monitor progress on the design and execution of the system that will replace our current Banner system.
  2. (carryover) Follow-up with Provost Jones/Bill Poirier on the formation of a new IT committee at the USNH level. The USNH Academic Technology Steering Committee has been disbanded with IT steering/oversite moving to the Academic Excellence Committee which is made up of USNH institutions’ provosts. Provost Jones reported in 2020 that  new mechanisms for UNH faculty engagement in IT/AT governance are being formed.  
  3. (carryover) Research and report on UNH IT security practices (patching and upgrades) related to institutional devices and personal devices on the UNH network.  Continued from 2019-2020.  
  4. (carryover) Follow up on 2019 resolution on assisting student recruitment through Department Website development: Motion
  5. Monitor issues and concerns related to Kronos and to the migration from Box to Microsoft 365.
  6. Work with IT administration to develop a policy and plan for long-term archiving of faculty email and other electronic records that remain accessible to individual faculty. How is continuity maintained when email systems, vendors, or formats change? Generate a report for the Senate.

Information Technology Committee 2021-2022


The Information Technology Committee will concern itself with matters pertaining to information technology.

Corresponding Administrators: 

1) Bill Poirier, Chief Information Officer and 2)  Alicia Medros, Asst VP IT Teaching Technology

  • MyElements/FAR Governance Board
  • Digital Communication Steering Committee (DCSC):  Chaired by ?, this committee meets quarterly. 
  • Academic Standards and Advising Committee Plus (ASAC +)  The ITC has a non-voting seat for its chair on this committee.  This is a committee of associate deans from all colleges plus the deans of the Library, the Graduate School, and students who meet with Terri Winters to plan and approve academic-related technology projects. 
  • UNH Information Security Committee (may involve an update to the committee instead of membership).


Rachel Burdin, COLA
Jennifer Chadbourne, COLSA; Spring proxy Gretchen Arnold
Szu-Feng Chen, COLA
Maryann Clark, Paul College 
Kai Germaschewski, CEPS
Julee Holcombe, COLA - Chair 
Chris Leblanc, UNH Manchester
Wheeler Ruml, CEPS

Charges 2021-2022

Standing charge
  1. Work with the heads of Academic Technology, Information Technology, Public Affairs, Academic and Standards and Advising PLUS (+) Committee, and Digital Communications Steering Committee, to ensure that faculty are represented on all IT-related committees that make decisions that affect faculty or the academic mission. Representatives should report to ITC regularly, and to the Agenda Committee and/or Senate as needed. 

Rationale: As per Senate motions Motion XXIII-M8. Prior knowledge of changes in IT/AT and early faculty involvement can lead to problems being anticipated and resolved prior to roll-out. 

Other charges
  1. (carryover) Follow-up with Provost Jones/Bill Poirier on the formation of a new IT committee at the USNH level. The USNH Academic Technology Steering Committee has been disbanded with IT steering/oversite moving to the Academic Excellence Committee which is made up of USNH institutions’ provosts. Provost Jones reported in 2020 that  new mechanisms for UNH faculty engagement in IT/AT governance are being formed.  
  2. (carryover) Research and report on UNH IT security practices (patching and upgrades) related to institutional devices and personal devices on the UNH network.  Continued from 2019-2020.  
  3. (carryover) Follow up on 2019 resolution on assisting student recruitment through Department Website development: Motion
  4. Monitor issues and concerns related to Kronos and to the migration from Box to Microsoft 365.  
  5. Follow up on availability of laptop loaner program and how information about this support service is communicated to the university community.   

Information Technology Committee 2020-2021


The Information Technology Committee will concern itself with matters pertaining to information technology.

Corresponding Administrators: 

1) Bill Poirier, Chief Information Officer and 2) Terri Winters, Asst Vice Provost, Enterprise Technology & Services 

  • MyElements/FAR Governance Board: Chaired by Terri Winters. 
  • Digital Communication Steering Committee (DCSC):  Chaired by Terri Winters, this committee meets quarterly. 
  • Academic Standards and Advising Committee Plus (ASAC +) (Chaired by Terri Winters, this committee meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month, 8:45 to 10:30 am. The ITC has a non-voting seat for its chair on this committee.  This is a committee of associate deans from all colleges plus the deans of the Library, the Graduate School, and students who meet with Terri Winters to plan and approve academic-related technology projects. 
  • UNH Information Security Committee (may involve an update to the committee instead of membership).


Chair, Michel Charpentier, Computer Science  CEPS
Szu-Feng Chen, Theatre & Dance COLA
Gonghu Li, Chemistry CEPS
Matt MacManes, Molecular, Cellular & Biomedical Sciences COLSA
Patrick Shannon (Fall proxy, BoRin Kim), Social Work  HHS
Joseph Terry, Communication COLA
Liese Zahabi, Art & Art History COLA
Valentini Kalargyrou, (Spring proxy, Dan Innis) Hospitality Management PAUL 

Standing Charge 2020-2021

  1. Work with the heads of Academic Technology, Information Technology, Public Affairs, Academic and Standards and Advising PLUS (+) Committee, and Digital Communications Steering Committee, to ensure that faculty are represented on all IT-related committees that make decisions that affect faculty or the academic mission. Representatives should report to ITC regularly, and to the Agenda Committee and/or Senate as needed.

Consolidation of IT at the USNH level has led to changes in committee structures. The USNH Academic Technology Steering Committee has been disbanded with IT steering/oversite moving to the Academic Excellence Committee which is made up of USNH institutions’ provosts. Provost Jones reports that new mechanisms for UNH faculty engagement in IT/AT governance are being formed. Follow up with Provost Jones on these efforts.

Rationale: As per Senate motions Motion XXIII-M8. Prior knowledge of changes in IT/AT and early faculty involvement can lead to problems being anticipated and resolved prior to roll-out.

COVID-19 charges: 

  1. Monitor and report on any problems that arise from the implementation of new technology in classrooms to support teaching in global pandemic (e.g., Zoom capable, OWLS, microphones)

Other charges: 

  1. Monitor and report on efforts to create system wide, USNH, consolidation of IT and AT services with a focus on impacts to services on the UNH campuses.
  2. Monitor and report on academic-related (research, service, teaching) impacts caused by the implementation of the Kronos employee time management system.
    1. Kronos is the new employee time tracking system that is being implemented at UNH. Kronos is one of the programs that is being implemented from the system- level (USNH) down. . Concerns about the impact of this system on faculty – particularly in the area of research and paying research assistants have been raised. One concern is the number of automatic email notifications that get generated to faculty who serve as the approver contact for employee hours.
  3. Monitor and report on digital badge (electronical representation of a skill, achievement, or experience) efforts at UNH with a focus on plans to move these micro credentials into academic programs
    1. Digital Badges are being used currently at UNH but with non-academic programs: Last academic year, the agenda committee met with Ken LaValley, Vice Provost for Outreach and Engagement and the Director of UNH Extension to discuss how these are being used in non-credit generating programs and how they may be used in credit-bearing programs. AT Project 2020 goals lists digital badges as one of the focus areas (
  4. Follow-up with Provost Jones on new formation of committee at the USNH level (since Academic Technology Steering Committee has been disbanded.
  5. Research and report on UNH IT security practices (patching and upgrades) related to institutional devices and personal devices on the UNH network.  Continued from 2019-2020. 
  6. Research and report on any areas of concern for faculty regarding the fairly new online computer purchasing service that replaced the computer store.

Information Technology Committee 2019-2020


The Information Technology Committee will concern itself with matters pertaining to information technology.


Chair, Michel Charpentier, Computer Science  CEPS
Vanessa Druskat,  Management PAUL
Alex Holznienkemper, Languages, Literatures, & Cultures  COLA
Matt Magnusson, Computer Science   CEPS
Sarah Theimer,  Library         
Ethel S. Wolper (Spring proxy Marion Dorsey),  History COLA
Liese Zahabi, Art & Art History  COLA
Eileen Hollis  Nursing     HHS

Corresponding Administrators: 

1) Chief Information Officer and 2) Director of Academic Technology

Standing Charge 2019-2020 

  1. Work with the heads of Academic Technology, Information Technology, Public Affairs, Academic and Standards and Advising Committee, and Digital Communications Steering Committee, to ensure that faculty are represented on all IT-related committees that make decisions that affect faculty or the academic mission.  Representatives should report to ITC regularly, and to the Agenda Committee and/or Senate as needed. 

Rationale: As per Senate motions Motion XXIII-M8.  Prior knowledge of changes in IT/AT and early faculty involvement can lead to problems being anticipated and resolved prior to roll-out. 


  1. Consult with cybersecurity experts, including those within the UNH faculty, to determine whether the requirement to change faculty passwords every six months actually serves the security needs of the faculty or university.  The goal of should be to determine whether the requirement for changing passwords can be adjusted to a longer time period, or eliminated altogether.
    1. Rationale:  This practice is widely resented by many faculty.  Some studies show it is counterproductive.  See, for example,
  2. Monitor MyElements (including for FAR), FindScholars and associated software, including the problem of using Professional Names and report to the Senate. Any survey information should be reviewed jointly with the Agenda Committee and vice versa
    1. Rationale:  See Motion XXIII-M29 on Professional Names and Motion XXIII-M18 on using MyElements as a platform for Faculty Activity Reporting.  Shared governance and equity aspects come under the purview of the Agenda Committee, hence the need to share information.  Note, as per Motion XXIII-M18, the Agenda Committee will conduct a survey of faculty, chairs, and dean on the MyElements-based Faculty Activity Report this August. 
  3. Working with key stakeholders in Academic Technology, the Provost’s office, and the Registrar’s office, assess and report on the current digital platforms that involve student success inside and outside the classroom, including myWildcat Success and its associated platforms, Canvas, and Degree Works, among others. In particular, note overlap and possible redundancies in mission. Also, assess whether the Student Success Steering Committee, set to expire on September 30, should be continued, and, if so, in what form and with what charges. 
  4. Research and report on UNH IT security practices related to institutional devices and personal devices on the UNH network.

Charges for Academic Year 2018-19

  1. Work with the heads of Academic Technology, Information Technology, Public Affairs, Academic and Standards and Advising Committee, and Digital Communications Steering Committee, to ensure that faculty are represented on all committees that make decisions that affect faculty.
  2. Assess the new Elements faculty reporting tool by sending out a request to all academic departments for feedback, and compile a master list of faculty concerns to be presented to the appropriate administrator asking for remediation of these defects.
  3. Consult with cyber security experts, including those within the UNH faculty, to determine whether the requirement to change faculty pass-words every six months actually serves the security needs of the faculty or university. The goal of should be to determine whether the requirement for changing passwords can be adjusted to a longer time period, or eliminated altogether.
  4. Review Spring 2017 faculty technology survey, compile results and distribute through senators to all academic departments. Seek feedback from departments for revisions and additions to the survey. Develop a master list of concerns and present the results to the appropriate administrator asking for remediation, making recommendations if appropriate.
  5. Obtain from the Senior Vice Provost an accounting of the costs involved in the Student Success Collaborative (or SSC, now myWildcat Success), with an assessment of the benefits to students and faculty, a detailed discussion of the program’s metrics for evaluating students, a detailed discussion of the administration’s expectations for faculty participation in the SSC, including additional workload.
  6. Send out requests to all academic departments seeking feedback on the redesign of department websites and develop a master list of concerns expressed by faculty.
  7. Investigate VIVO and how It will effect faculty and report back to the full senate.

Standing Charge

The charges from the Agenda Committee shall comprise the major and first-order work of the Information Technology Committee. However, the Committee may pursue additional issues in pursuit of its mission, stated above. If the additional issue interferes with the timelines stated in the charges above, the Committee must receive permission from the Agenda Committee before proceeding. If the additional interest does not interfere with the established timelines, the Committee must inform the Agenda Committee.

Information Technology Committee Membership 2018-19

  • Patricia Puccilli, Nursing, CHHS, chair
  • Maryann Clark, Decision Sciences, PCBE
  • John Gibson, Mathematics & Statistics, CEPS
  • Moein Khanlari, Marketing, PCBE
  • Inchan Kim, Decision Sciences, PCBE
  • Matt Magnusson, Computer Science, CEPS
  • George Roth, Management, PCBE
  • Skip Tenczar, UNH-Manchester
  • Joseph Terry, Communication, COLA
  • Sarah Theimer, Library

Information Technology Committee Reports (by year)


  • ITC presentation Faculty Enlight 10-23-17
  • ITC Report 11-30-2017
  • ITC Report 2-26-2018